Thursday, July 10, 2008

Internal Technique and old engineers

One thing about the term "internal energy" is that it is a bit mysterious. The term energy as well as the term internal - both combine to befuddle.

Whilst it may take many years to decode this sort of thing by practicing tai chi and having a curious mind, it also makes sense to read Mike Sigmund, who explains some of these concepts in a way that is more like physics, rather than mysticism. Its not a replacement for your own practice, but its a bit more down to earth than your usual learning material.

Mike talks a little more like an internal energy engineer - without actually crossing the line and talking like an regular engineer trying to make the world fit into his old mechanical engineering concepts. There is more than engineering and physics involved - lets call it internal physics :-)

Here is a video example of Mike talking about Internal_Strength, which was emailed to me recently. He goes on a bit with the detailed locks but the core idea of a “ground path” – or some sort of postural structure – whilst being relaxed is at the heart of internal strength as I understand it.

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